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Raz napisałem sms na brudno... raz mi na nim tak zależąło...
"Cześć, chciałbym dziś porozmawiać 5 min, nawet przez zamkniętą bramke, powiedzieć to co powinnem wtedy w piatek, i skończyć tą szopke.
Odpowiedz była prosta... NIE
Tego nie potrafie zapomnieć, to jest jak rana która nie może się zabliźnić, bo nie wyjęto z niej ostrza strzały, a potrzeba było tak nie wiele.
Zrobiłem źle ale miałe odwage się do tego przyznać i przeprosić,i prosić żęby było normalnie... ty wybrałaś ścieżke, ścieżke bólu i zawiści.

{Chciałbym podziękować wszystkim którzy przyczynili się do powstania tego tekstu a w szczególności Komuś a raczej Ktuś-owi za inspiracje... idzmy dalej
Piotrkowi za korekte i Adeli za korekte korekty, Tomkowi że wytrzymał ze mną jak pisałem, Magdzie za pomoc wtedy gdy było najgorzej, Mattiemu my BloodBrother, Aśce za podniesienie na duchu, Nitce za słowa co mam zrobić, p.Pietrzyk za to że pozwalała mi pisać, Gniewkowi za wyjazd, Burakowi za przeczytanie, Lechowi za odkażanie, Ewce za spojrzenie, Cinkowi za to że chciał pomóc, Przemkowi za to że coś przeczytał, rodzicom za to że nic nie wiedzą}

Mała Improwizacja

I need to forget about yesterday
Remeber this time I fell
While You looked at me
I wanted to say something special
Something good
But I could not SORRY
I wanna
Just one
Just simple stiupid
Just like befor when I am for you
Just YOU
For Ever
And now
Please forgive my
I know you wanna
Be without me
But always is chance...
I will always be with you
Hope this is all what I have now

Wielka Improwizacja:
Część 2

Next Day
Next Hour
Next Minute
Next Second
Pain is grovin' in me
and nothing can stop it...
You, I are so close. You, I were each other.
And now you try to push me away...
I can't runaway, I mustn't runaway...
I try forget, I couldn't...
You forgot me, you want to think that you forget me, but you didn't.

I try like you, but you must something know,
sometimes I make misteake, same like you...
But I try to repair it, and I don't make same misteak twice
I wanna just one more day, just one more chance...
I try to talk with you, but you didn't want
'coz I am, your hates, no!!
I was your dream
You were You are You will be my dream all I wanna to have

Today... in the end... of all...
I forgive, you forgive me, that is all
I and You do
Nothing More NM
I know, but I will fight 'coz you are my angel...
angel of darkness, my world, my life is in your hands...
but I will fight until you GIVE me one more CHANCE

Wielka Improwizacja
Część 4

And now you sit between your friends
You think that they are your friends
But they aren't
You live without ideas
You try to meet someone who can be your friend.
And you met, but after one year you can not say that,
Few time,
She is your friend but it is true??,
You think that you know her, and she know you.

You didn't know what to do, and you needed help...
And you told her about...
Your problem, about me,
And you got an answer...
FUCK me, FUCK my whole life, but you had to do it pleasure
But it was not your own decision... not own DECISION!!!
And I couldt'n agree with this...
I couldn't forgive me for that
WHY I have done it
I didn't, dont't want it...
I can not refresh My mind
I said what I shouldn't
I try to said something good
Something what chang that fukin' decision of your...
I needed to rest and after hour I try to said what I ought

And now I am Crazy Crazy Man ]:-> with
Crazy Crazy Plan to ... Guess what I planing
Seriously I have plan...
And this is Crazy Crazy Plan,
But I l*** so I try to do my plan

Wielka Improwizacja
Część 3

Nowadays I live alone
I and only I
I try to be happy, to smile without you
'cos I don't live forever...
I must be alive...
And I will be alive as long as I can
But it is something you, you all must know:
I am Crazy Crazy Man and I fight
Always fight
And this time I fight too
Maybe it'll me my great fight
No matter If I'll win or I'll lose
It is impossible mission
So everything can happen
My plan is crazy but this is only plan I could make
No one can help me
But I hope... You...
You'll understand me and
you give me one more chance
But if you won't I'll leave everything
And I'll start my next plan

And when you'll decide
Decide what you'll do
Please won't do what someone told you...

Why I have to live this world
When nothing's going better
Why I must live without
Without my mind
I can't think about anything else
I always think about You
Remember it:
Even if you're not with me
I am with you...
With your soul
When you don't know too.

Wielka Improwizacja
Część 1

Head full of anger
Head full of stress
Head full of thoughts about you
And what to do
I didn't want to go the easiest way - leave you...
And start all over over
After that day I didn't know what to do
At night I decided to try
Next time
When I told you that I had wanted to talk
When you looked into my eyes I felt like never before
I saw that same what I felt and feel to you
I wanted to talk as soon as possible
But you asked me that we did it after
I agreed 'n this was mistake
If I disagreed that would be all OK...
I don't know what happened this afternoon
But that hadn't happen... I didn't know about it...
Next day I had I had hope
Hope like never before
I wish everything go better
I wanted to repair all, but when I started
You hit me
I lost my mind
I couldn't think what to said
So I said what I maybe shouldm't...
You just ran away, I never know why just why you ran
so far away far away of me...
I didn't wanna let you go
I didn't wanna hurt yourself anytime...
But I couldn't
This time, last time I looked into yours eyes
And you disappeared...
I didn't know what to do with myself
I did things I never do...
Thought what to do
I sat and looked ahead,
I wanted to talk, but you didn't
'n this is end of all...

My soul ran away
I was like zombie thought only about you
What I wanna to??
Was and is simple stiupid...
What I wanna to??
Just you...

I went away
I was out of the time, out of my life
I had to go
I didn't wanna to live this world...

God WHY?? I know I'm not perfect
But why?? 'cos I'll find better??
She is all I wanna!!
If you took she away from me...
And how I can belive??
How?? Why??
But I thank you
Thank God that I met Someone
I thank only for that!!
I met Someone when I was 666ft. underground
Under my life... after that meeting
When I went back from you
Someone help me Thx!!

Sleepless nights
Broken soul
Broken live
Broken l***
Live for nothing...
Is this the end??

Ustęp, czyli ćwiczenia do angielskiego

You sit behind me, you don't see me
I am just air for you
Just one more hope
I'm not alone
Somebody who I think don't help me
Will be my shadow
And I know that I do something
but I dont know what...
And You think that is good but it is wrong
Place, and wrong time...
I like...
I try...
Like you, to do everthing you wanted to
And now you pushed me away
That day My life My Pride
Is Broken
I couldn't took it by myself
Without you
You have not done that
What you want
Just something
Someone TOLD YOU


miasto: Dębica
strona www: [ brak ]
numer GG: 8883418

Data rejestracji: 17/10/2054
Ostatnie logowanie: 21/11/2068 22:00:56
Wypowiedzi na forum: 155
10 ostatnich postów | Kontakt z Obywatelem


Stopień: gwardzista
Numer służbowy: 8471
Funkcja: Pilot Helikoptera Szturmowego Huzar V



Strona Główna


(c) 2052-2074